I've sought to understand the reasons for man's inhumanity to man. The only thing that's a degree of peace about it is "the love of money is the root of all evil".
Sorry Blackhorse, I saw this too late, I apologiseGentlemen…let’s try to keep this thread close to its stated topic...what you’re reading. Politics, even non-partisan historical politics, is frowned upon.
I do not wish to distract from the thread or the forum, but I say bravo to Blackhorse and Zippo. Conversing in literary quotation and reference is profoundly admirable and, all too often, a lost art in this day and age.
For my part, I have just read Jim Butcher's latest addition to the Dresden Files series, The Law, and have been re-reading Peace Talks and Battle Ground to refresh my memory about the series.
If you happen to like detective noir and fantasy novels, I highly recommend Jim Butcher's Dresden Files. (Storm Front is the first book in the series.) There is also a rather admirable (though all too brief) telesvision series based (loosely) on the books starring Paul Blackthorne.
From the forum posts, I see that some of you already know about the novels and the television series, so I'm mentioning it just in case someone has not yet run across it.
Sounds a bit like the movie Papillon but I think that movie was based upon the book Papillon.