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Pipefuls by Christopher Morley. I'm also planning on re reading "Tales From A Roll-Top Desk" when I'm done. Unfortunately few pipe smokers today realize the impact of these grand old volumes. I strongly recommend that all lovers of the leaf read them along with "Shandygaff"....
Is this the same author who penned The Haunted Bookshop?
Walden, The Heart of the Buddhas Teaching, The Zen Teachings of Jesus. All good stuff.
Stephen Kings "Wolves of the Calla",
The Rebels of Ireland ,
Lets Go Germany travellers guide
Rereading the Pickwick Papers for the thousandth time.
The complete works of EAP for the 9th time.
and The Dain Curse.
Neal Stephenson's "Anathem" continues his contribution to the literary world. Frequently confusing, especially the ending, but enjoyable and well worth the effort. I became a fan of his with his first novel, "The Big U" which was amazing fun to read. I think I may have been in grad school at the time it was published (1980's) so it related well to the challenge at that time.
Currently reading Terry P's "Making Money" so another vote for that one - Pratchett is a wonderful writer who employs english to its full advantage.
Moved on to the Moviegoer-Walker Percy
Quite possibly my favorite novel.
Picked up a copy of Hackers The Ultimate Pipe Book on Amazon.com, turning out to be a pretty interesting book.
Just completed The General's Daughter. Seen the movie years ago, figured I'd read the book. Fine read, good novel, excellent author.
I have been carefully reading "The Man Who Moved A Mountain" that was gifted to me by a BoB. It is an outstanding biography about Bob Childress who was a minister in the area where my father was raised. An outstanding book!
Reading Vladimir Nabokov's Speak, Memory, which begins:

"The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Although the two are identical twins, man, as a rule, views the prenatal abyss with more calm than the one he is heading for (at some forty-five hundred hearbeats an hour)."
I'm enthralled by Einsteins Theory of Special Relativity,,,mind boggling, the space-time-speed inter relationship is hard to grasp
Just started J.G. Ballard's Kingdom Come. Ballard is a favorite (wrote my thesis on his early work) and he's in good form, very lucid and paranoid and unsettling. It concerns shoppin malls and mob mentalities.

Also, an expected cameo by pipe material: the protagonist's father is murdered (randomly) by a gunman on a trip to the tobacconist to pick up his favorite Dunhill mixture. Another plus for online ordering, I suppose.
Started "The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism" by Andrew Bacevich. An intelligent take on the current crisis.
I just finished the Dark Tower series today and while the ending was not all i hoped for in the end it was the most fitting and i will now continue to speak Stephen King's praises. An absolutley kick ass read!
The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World by John Perkins
A highly recommended read.
Finished that one. Excellent read, Highly recommended.
Just started Confessions of an Economic Hit Man also by John Perkins. :study:
The great hunt, book two of the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
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