12/07/1922 Minor Asia peninsula, Warrant officer Papadakos and Sergeant Stavropoulos as pilots of Hellenic Air Force shut-down 2 turkish air planes after a 20 minutes dog-fight. As soon as the two Greek pilots returned to Balm Mahmoud, they commanded to go to the drop point of the turkish plane. Their air-fight had transposed into the Greek lines and they went along together.
The next day, next to the crash site, the 2 turkish pilots were sent at military prices and according to the muslim customs. An imam read the wishes of the Koran and their personal belongings were engraved and placed in a bag. The next afternoon from Balm Mahmut airport, a Greek two-seat Breguet took off for a turkish air base.
In the base, the turkish soldiers and officers just saw the Greek airplane have just reached over them without anyone being aware of it, they froze! The Greeks erased a circle of identification in the sky, at a safe distance and then started throwing flares from Breguet, telling the turks not to shoot because their purposes are not hostile. The Greek plane lowered, reached 30 meters and left a bag to fall into the ground just in front of the feet of the commander, ιnside were the personal items and military IDs of the two τurkish pilots. There was also aν envelope with a note inside:
"We will let you know that your two pilots Kemal Bey and Ahmeti Bahatin were fall in a fight with Greek pilots. Return their species to their families and say that they have been dispatched with all the military values and according to your religion."
The Greek airplane has eradicated another low circle and has rerun in front of the turkish commander. Jelal Kioprolou in a cautionary manner greeted the Greek pilots militarily, until the plane with the two blue thick vertical lines in the tail was lost on the horizon.
I raise my pipe with Captain Black Ruby and my cup of coffee for the memory of the 23 Greek pilots which fall in the Line of Duty on that War, God rest their souls.