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Brothers of Briar

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Just finished smoking MacBaren Virginia Flake in a straight smooth patent era 1952 Dunhill Bruyere ODA apple 806 B124 with a black vulcanite stem.
Part way through this bowl of Savinelli Brunello Flake in a much cherished smooth straight grain three quarter bend 1979 Becker M 4 heart brandy with a black acrylic stem. Ice water and bergs is my evening drink.
Relaxing after a wonderful Greek beef stew with a bowl of Esoterica Dunbar in a smooth straight late ‘50s, early 1960s Lane era Charatan Selected 43 Dublin with a black vulcanite double comfort stem. This pipe was formerly owned by actor William Conrad, too! My second Conrad pipe. Watching the Braves-Marlins play the second game of a double header.
Now smoking year 2010 Sam Gawith Best Brown in a straight 1968 Dunhill Shell bulldog with a black vulcanite stem.
… earlier...Bells "Original" 3 Nuns...then, Sutliff RR Match...followed by, CH...now, evening bowl of C&D Pirate Kate in a Morgan Bones straight Dublin...coffee...

Mick McQuaid Plug in a decorated BBK billiard (current avatar) & Red Carpet in a Grabow Freehand
Now smoking Art’s Virginia in a 1970s unbranded straight, smooth bulldog with an acrylic yellow cream colored stem. Going to work soon.
A couple minutes away from smoking year 2011 MacBaren Norwood in a 1980s straight smooth Big Ben pot with a nickel band and a black vulcanite stem. Working and listening to the Dodgers-Giants game.
A few minutes away from smoking Wilke #515 in a 1998 smooth straight Butz-Choquin Bistro 1501 pot with a black vulcanite stem.
Now smoking Jim's Evolving Work Blend in a 2003 Stanwell Golden Danish 56 Rusticated Canadian with a black vulcanite stem. Took a short work break, and am getting back to it now.
Now smoking Wilke Belmont in a 1975 three quarter bend black Dunhill Shell 52021 with a black vulcanite stem.
Work's done, and I'm smoking 2014 Watch City Hampton Roads in a 1970s small bowl smooth medium bend Danish Sovereign XXX 324 volcano sitter with a black vulcanite stem. Watching Hopalong Cassidy.
Last smoke of the day is Lane Limited Ready Rubbed in a 2016 Peretti's M.T. Natural made in Holland straight smooth brown Algerian briar billiard.
… earlier...DGT C&D Pirate Kate...then, Billy Budd Blonde...now, Sutliff Revelation Match in a gp.5 Dunhill Ruby Bark billiard… coffee on the side...

A third of the way through this bowl of 1960’s Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 1982 black sandblasted paneled slight bend Savinelli flat bottom sitter with a black vulcanite stem. A bottle of Mountain Dew made with pure cane sugar is my drink. Watching Mad Dog Russo. Had a lot of thunderstorms last night, which seems to be a regular thing lately. Wonder how today will go?
Now smoking Peterson Signature Flake in a straight smooth medium brown 2016 Brigham Klondike 16 bulldog with a black acrylic stem. Wtahcing the Cubs-Brewers game.
Not far from finishing this bowl of Drexel VIII in a smooth straight early 1960s Lane era Charatan Executive Extra Large stretch apple with diagonal channel cuts on the lower right and left of the bowl along with a black vulcanite double comfort stem. This pipe was formerly owned by actor William Conrad.
Now smoking 2012 Virginia Spice in a 2004 smooth long shank Canadian Trever Talbot Ligne Bretagne Faite en Bretagne 4/3 with a black vulcanite stem. Ice water and bergs is my evening drink.
Now smoking P&W Nut Brown Burley in a 2016 PSF POY quarter bend black sandblasted Vermont Freehand egg with an aluminum band and a tortoise shell colored acrylic saddle stem.
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