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Brothers of Briar

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Relaxing after a wonderful tacos and cheesey rice dinner with the last slice of egg custard pie for dessert. Now smoking year 1975 Faber, Coe and Gregg Brindley’s Mixture in a 1980s SMS eagle claw egg medium bend meerschaum signed by J. Boglon with a brown and cream swirl acrylic stem. Watching Perry Mason. This episode has Hal Peary, a.k.a. The Great Gildersleeve as a suspect.
Doblone d'Oro in a Brigham Prince this morning, and Wallace Flake in a Lee van Cleef meer this afternoon after listening to 'Live from the Met'
... earlier...Trout Stream...now, Black Frigate in a Savinelli Autograph smooth scalloped shank Canadian/pot with plateau...last of the coffee

Part way through this bowl of Full Virginia Flake in a much cherished smooth straight grain three quarter bend 1979 Becker M 4 heart brandy with a black acrylic stem. Watching a documentary about jack the Ripper.
Now smoking year 2011 Germain’s Plum Cake in a 1998 smooth straight Butz-Choquin Bistro 1501 pot with a black vulcanite saddle stem. Working and phone chatting.
Just finished smoking Jim's Evolving Work Blend in a 2003 Stanwell Golden Danish 56 Rusticated Canadian with a black vulcanite stem.
Now smoking D&R Raccoon’s Delight in a smooth 1976 Canadian GBD Seventy Six 256 with a black vulcanite saddle stem.
Half way through this bowl of Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a late '80s, early 90s small bend medium brown smooth, unbranded Bjarne pot with a couple small rusticated spots, an amber colored acrylic ferrule and tapered stem in the military mount style. I'll probably finish the day with this smoke.
Greetings from Greece, we have clouds here in the sky of Athens and 13°C.


Mac Baren Vanilla Cream.
... earlier...Sutliff Field & Stream Match...now, Plum Pudding SR in a Cavicchi(CCCC) smooth bent apple...coffee on the side...

Starting off my smoking day with Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 1982 black sandblasted paneled slight bend Savinelli flat bottom sitter with a black vulcanite saddle stem. A chilled glass of Simply Apple is my drink. Best durn apple juice made today.
Enjoyed a tasty grilled ham and cheese along with some vegetable soup lunch, and am now smoking year 2000 Christmas Cheer in a 1980 Stanwell 668 medium bend with a multi-colored ferrule, half black sandblasted, half brown smooth, rough top with a black vulcanite stem. A bottle of Cheerwine made with pure cane sugar is my drink. Watching Hopalong Cassidy.
Now smoking year 2015 Savinelli Doblone d’Oro in the first pipe Trever Talbot made when he went to France many years ago. It's a smooth straight Algerian briar Billiard bowl with a long Canadian shank and vulcanite saddle stem, unbranded. Watching The Great Morgan.
Now smoking HU Nyala in a 1970s black sandblasted slight bent Savinelli Autograph 05 Horn with a black vulcanite stem.
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