Bought two ounces at the toby shop, and tried a bowl of each.
The first is what the shop owner recommended and called an "aromatic," named "Autumn Evening." It is indeed aromatic, but I don't care for it. It smells and tastes a bit cloying, like musty, wet tree leaves. I'll try some experiments with this one to see if I can redeem the flavor above something reminiscent of sucking on a muddy boot.
The second I bought purely on a whim. It is called "Celtic Gold." A slightly minty aroma, with a crisp, solid taste that is not at all unpleasant. A bit like peppermint Irish creme in black coffee. I neglected to recognize the mint aroma would translate to a sharp burn, but it is muted by the underlying natural tobacco flavor. While it is certainly a potent smoke, it's bold without being overpowering. I may be biased by my Scots-Irish and English heritage, but I like it best of all the tobacco I've tried from this particular vendor.
Unfortunately I didn't have a chance to speak at length with the shop owner, as he had other customers waiting, and he runs a one-man operation. Otherwise I would have liked to find out more about his products. We did get a chance to discuss cleaning methods and pipe rotation, but only for a moment.