Tegu, 25% St James perique and the rest Virginia Red, compares well with PS Luxury Bullseye Flake. In a Mastro Geppetto Rusticato.

Glad you found a place for it. I just picked up another pouch at my local Krogers store at $3.99 1.75 oz, and it has actually gone up. I guess I need not gripeGood morning gentlemen. Hope everyone is well today. Starting my day with Amphora Original kindly gifted by Swede. This is a good tobacco but overall I prefer my Urban Cowboy blended with SWR. Been rationing this as it's good when I want something with a bit of Oriental in the morning with my coffee.
$3.99 OMG That's like pennies to us. Damn UK taxation. Average price of tobacco for us is about £20 = $25.39.Glad you found a place for it. I just picked up another pouch at my local Krogers store at $3.99 1.75 oz, and it has actually gone up. I guess I need not gripe. I need to try mixing some Urban Cowboy using my open SWR pouch.
By the name, I'm hoping that blend has some good perique and generous portions! I always enjoy reading your reviews.Enjoyed a giant turkey, ham and egg sandwich with a sliced peach and a decent size slice of Cozonac Crema cu Lapte brioche with milk cream center lunch. I'm nearing the half way mark on this bowl of KBV Cajun Safari in a 2002 IMP smooth full bend egg shaped meer with a black acrylic saddle stem. Gold Star mmmMidnight, neat, is my drink. Writing beta notes on this blend as I watch the Cubs-Guardians game. The Cubs pitcher, Steele, has a chance to develop in to a big star.
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Ditto SwedeBy the name, I'm hoping that blend has some good perique and generous portions! I always enjoy reading your reviews.
Do they tax or tariff you for tobacco sent by a BoB from the USA?$3.99 OMG That's like pennies to us. Damn UK taxation. Average price of tobacco for us is about £20 = $25.39.
We just say at the post office, it's a gift of socks, and pray it gets through. It usually doesDo they tax or tariff you for tobacco sent by a BoB from the USA?
The perique is an important supporting player. I told the blender not to change it.By the name, I'm hoping that blend has some good perique and generous portions! I always enjoy reading your reviews.