Wilke Back Bay in a Becker acorn.
CD Bow Legged Bear in a CAO Sam Clemens meerschaum.
My dad broke his hip, he'll have to get a few nails driven in under surgery, I've been in and out of the hospital all day. He didn't fall off a ladder, but he did trip hard on a rope hanging from his truck. We hope to have him home around Tuesday. We did get a lot done this week before he hurt himself! Oh well.

CD Bow Legged Bear in a CAO Sam Clemens meerschaum.

My dad broke his hip, he'll have to get a few nails driven in under surgery, I've been in and out of the hospital all day. He didn't fall off a ladder, but he did trip hard on a rope hanging from his truck. We hope to have him home around Tuesday. We did get a lot done this week before he hurt himself! Oh well.