She will say, wait for me I'm just getting my coatAnd what will Mrs. Z say about that?

She will say, wait for me I'm just getting my coatAnd what will Mrs. Z say about that?
You ought to dock his wages, he ain't doing his job on those gnatsStarting off with my go to Urban Cowboy in the Pete Pub and a big mug of cowboy coffee. Watching our resident gecko waking up, lol
Thank you for your reply, I do take your tastes in tobacco and your reviews to heart. I'm sure I've saved money from making tobacco purchases from reading your reviews. I've been really thinking about getting two ounces of the Watch City Deluxe Crumb Cut. From what I've read I see that is has that classic pipe appeal and a friend of mine recommended it. I really do like the classic "I guess it would be called American " blends that had a tiny bit of Latakia for flavor, but not enough to chase people out of the room. Edward G.Robinson comes to mind. I applaud you for having Sutliff keep that around, if I had to smoke that, and only that I would be very content. Another tobacco I've been researching is Paul's Pipe Shop Arrowhead, the only thing that is stopping me is the price. I'm sure it's high quality leaf but I would be sad if I didn't like it.Yes, it does. So does their Perfection Plug Burley, and No. 300.
In a month or two, Watch City will be coming out with a burley forward blend with light toppings that was designed to be premium OTC-like.
That's better than leaving me hairballs.They do, in cat currency! Those rubs on the legs, falling asleep in your lap or on your feet or bringing you their prey. We're the only species that believes cold shiney objects or things representing it has value.
The blast on that pipe certainly is a unique pattern. If I saw pipe like that, I'd probably have to buy it.
I'm sorry for your tough day Sir. The rainy weather makes my back and knees hurt so bad. I'm intrigued by your post about smoking LL-7, that is one of my favorite blends! It reminds me of my favorite Captain Black blend, Copper. I hope they keep making it!Smoking a Bari Wiking Rhodesian with Lane LL-7 and a mug of decaf coffee. It`s been a tough day for me physically due to the rain.