Finishing second half of yesterday's CS Faulkner Flake in undated Heberling

They are available on Amazon and directly from freshroastedcoffee.comwhere do you buy that
Some people call yello-boles "kaywoodie seconds", but I think that's a misnomer. For most of the 20th century Kaywoodie was the largest consumer of briar on the planet, with only the choicest large sections of the burl being used for kaywoodies, that left a whole lot of leftover briar which yello-bole got.I'm always amazed at the nice grain on these pipes. Some things I've read said the company had a major briar supply back in the day. I like the Yello-Boles a bit better than Kaywoodie due to it being easier to narrow down a date range. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
Bet those are some amped up worms@Ranger107
I brew on the bold 8 ounce setting on our machine and it's a decent cup of coffee. We compost both k-cup style coffee through our worm farm, these are easy, I just cut below the plastic rim and scoop out any ground stuck to the top. Their regular pods have a tab on the aluminum top that we pull back and scoop the grounds from.
I love that old American pipe briar in stealth mode on quality appreciation. They are making up more of my armory these days.Some people call yello-boles "kaywoodie seconds", but I think that's a misnomer. For most of the 20th century Kaywoodie was the largest consumer of briar on the planet, with only the choicest large sections of the burl being used for kaywoodies, that left a whole lot of leftover briar which yello-bole got.
In my experience I have found yello-boles to be smaller than kaywoodies on average. I think yello-bole got the pick of all the cuts of burl that were slightly too small, or had a small inculsion, and then the rest was sold off to other pipe brands. I find early yello-boles usually have few to no inclusions, and because of the limited number of very old burls they eventually used up, better grain than most high end factory pipes I have seen. With the removable stinger they smoke better for me than kaywoodies.
Sorry for the rant lol, Yello-boles are my favorite pipe, and I love the convoluted history of old american pipes companys.