Smoking a Pete 606 (rusticated pot shape) with some PS Black cherry Cavendish that I forgot I had, I`m not sure how old this tobacco is,but it`s a good smoke. Pairing it with a mug of DD coffee.
Initially I misread this and thought you had a half ton full of Smyrna in your basement.I'm helping my wife take down all the Christmas decorations, including 7 trees and all the other sh... stuff
she displays. I can't wait to fill up the attic again! Smoking a Samirva Select dublin with Carter Hall while
putting all this away!
I wish the same for you, Sid.HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024, i wish to you all many pipe smoking days, many pipe and tobacco purchases!
McClelland Best of Show.
I'm here EZ.Has anyone heard from Zippo?
I hope your treatment gives you relief. All the best.Good morning BoBs. Up early as I have to go to the pain doctor for an injection in my shoulder at 8:30. So, getting in a bowl of Tumbleweed in the Pete Pub with morning coffee before I have to leave. Hope everyone is having a great New Year.