Good morning BoBs, at least for another 45 minutes, lol. Finally getting around to a pipe. Needed a comfort smoke so joining Zippo with Cattle Drive in a Pete Pub and what's left of my morning coffee. Had to feed dogs, walk the dogs, answer 15 texts about how Carole is getting along, do dishes, make up the bed,etc. She called this am, said she was hungry because the hospital food sucks and she couldn't eat it. Taking her a care package of apples, cheese, and cookies for lunch. She said Dr. wants her to go to an acute rehab facility for 2 weeks where she would have PT twice a day. I miss her like crazy but want what's best for her. Dr says it will get her back to walking sooner. It's funny, I was single for many years and thought I got along just fine. After 8 years together I realized this morning I don't even know how to turn on the damn dishwasher, lol. Later my friends.