Certainly we can...Cheers Prof.Happy birthday!
Gentlemen, can we have a toast to this guy on his day?
Certainly we can...Cheers Prof.Happy birthday!
Gentlemen, can we have a toast to this guy on his day?
My grandpap smoked Granger and I mean to try it some day!Good morning friends,
Today I tried Grainger on my walk to work, as I said I would. It was a really pleasant smoke and takes the crown for my favorite codger blend thus far, and my favorite burley.
Smoked it out of my cheap mm cob.
The bottle was painted by my wife.
Tomorrow I try the highly compressed mess of several codger blends. I don't really have expectations of it being good, but I'll have fun!
Happy birthday!Today, on my 48th birthday, I am enjoying my most prized pipe, a 1953 patent era Dunhill LB, filled with my favorite blend, Scottish Cake. Black coffee on the side. My wife brought me donuts for breakfast, a special treat I indulge in only rarely. A light breeze through the trees with a slightly overcast sky. A fine morning. Hope everyone enjoys their day.View attachment 18443
I agree that HH Burley Flake is a good blend, but there's no Latakia in it. It does have DFK as a condiment.If you like ABS you might want to try McB H&H Burley Flake. Pretty good blend and quite a lot of Lat flavor.
Happy 48th!!! Enjoy that Patent DH!!! Grand pipes!! FTRPLTToday, on my 48th birthday, I am enjoying my most prized pipe, a 1953 patent era Dunhill LB, filled with my favorite blend, Scottish Cake. Black coffee on the side. My wife brought me donuts for breakfast, a special treat I indulge in only rarely. A light breeze through the trees with a slightly overcast sky. A fine morning. Hope everyone enjoys their day.View attachment 18443
I applaud your efforts GaiusNow that I've eaten a great lunch, Its codger plug time.
You can see my process in the linked images. The plug is made up of equal parts of Carter Hall, PA, Velvet, and Grainger. First impressions tell me it turned out better than I thought it would and I intend to repeat the process with other tobaccos.
The plug has become sweeter in scent, it smells very nice. Nicer than its constituent parts which was unexpected. It also ended up moister and darker in color than before.
The flavor is a little disappointing. It tastes completely monolithic. any flavor nuance has gone. It's not bad but Its not impressive or worth repeating. The only nuance was a slight cocoa note as the bowl progressed. That and a more intense nicotine buzz which I don't appreciate.
I'll try other blends next time.
Me too and Red Sonya loved emI remember those serialized Tarzan novels, I was also a big fan of the serialized Conan novels.
Happy Birthday mateToday, on my 48th birthday, I am enjoying my most prized pipe, a 1953 patent era Dunhill LB, filled with my favorite blend, Scottish Cake. Black coffee on the side. My wife brought me donuts for breakfast, a special treat I indulge in only rarely. A light breeze through the trees with a slightly overcast sky. A fine morning. Hope everyone enjoys their day.View attachment 18443