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Brothers of Briar

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I just hobbled back from the pain mgmt Dr., Nothing but bad news! They sent me for a useless x -rays to satisfy the health insurance co. so that I can get an MRI done tomorrow, gave me a list of spinal surgeons to pick from. I have been seeing this pm Dr for many years,he`s always been an upbeat guy. Today,after looking at my paperwork ,x-rays etc. he seemed very down & defeated-which is never good.
Anyway, Smoking a Bari Wiking freehand,Lane LL-7,mug of Horton`s,waiting for the meds to kick in again! I`m waiting for my wife to get home to discuss my next move. Sorry to be a downer,guys,but it has not been a good day.
EZ, my prayers are for you and the doctors to have wisdom. And, you relief of pain and healing.
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, wild caught cat fish, and sugar snap peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm a third of the way through this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. Brought Daisy the Feral Princess in to eat, then fed Harry the Hairy and Abner the Eager. Dunno where Tomato the Brave is, but he'll show up soon enough.

Long Tail's new owners have named her Maggie. They sent me these photos. My, how she has grown since her birth on March 18.

Enjoyed a tasty red delicious apple, and am smoking year 2018 Mac Baren HH Burley Flake in a straight smooth dark brown 1918 Pre-Republic Peterson’s Dublin 2 apple with a silver band and a tapered black vulcanite p-lip stem. Watching a Roy Rogers movie.
Earlier, I smoked a bowl of Wilke 10 Downing Street in an undated straight, smooth flame grain Wessex Standard billiard with a brown accent on the tapered black vulcanite stem.

Currently, I am close to finishing this bowl of year 2014 Orlik Golden Sliced in an early 20th century Gordon Special Bruyere 49 apple with a triangular shank and tapered black vulcanite stem. Enjoyed a great conversation with an old friend, mostly about comic books. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
Gordon Special Bruyere 49 apple.jpg
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am almost half way through this bowl of Wilke No. 515 Double Shot in a smooth dark medium bend 2021 Peterson Heritage Brown POTY 4AB No. 45/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. This is No. 515 with twice the rum of the Basil Rathbone blend. Daisy the Feral Princess and Tomato the Brave are eating. I'll feed Harry the Hairy soon, but I'll need to stay with him to make sure that the possum I chased off won't come back and eat his food. Abner the Eager isn't here.
Don't apologise. You're amongst friends here, all of whom wish you well and all of whom are genuinely interested in how you're doing. I hope I'm not speaking out of turn here, and mean no offence to those who have been members for a long time, but in my short time here, I've really found that this place does live up to its name - a 'brotherhood'. I certainly feel that I will certainly come here and speak to you guys if I ever suffer a personal misfortune. For what it's worth, know that my thoughts are very much with you.
Well said @AutumnGold 👏 Perfectly stated 👌
@EZONSLOW I'm sorry your going through all that pain yet again buddy, my thoughts and well wishes are with you my friend.
Half way through this bowl of year 2020 Angler's Dream in a 2018 natural smooth medium bend Peterson 03 apple silver spigot military mount with a tapered black acrylic fish tail stem. I'll end the day with this smoke.
Good morning everybody. A very early start for me, on what promises to be a scorcher. It's only 9:30am here in old blighty, but already its 23°. And so after having a rather scrumptious full English breakfast, I'm going to have another cup of Yorkshire Tea then fill my Grandfather's Edwardian Gourd Calabash, with some EMP and retire to the garden and watch Frodo chase Squirrels. I hope you all have a fantastic day 😊
The heatwave has broken and it's a lovely morning in the Bluegrass. I'm enjoying my morning ritual: KBV Burley Morning Pipe in the Jansen's N.O. bent volcano with saddle stem. (This moderately sized pipe holds a lot of tobacco and keeps me happily puffing away well into the morning.) A cup of Colombian coffee and a book to read completes the "ritual." 🤓
Good morning my fellow BoBs. Having CS Shepherds Pie in the Lorenzo Old Vic giant bent billiard. Thought the latakia would drive off some of the gnats but not working all that well dammit. CR coffee is my drink, as usual. EZ, so sorry you're having to deal with the pain again buddy. Hope you can get it resolved soon. Praying for you my friend. As for me, going in tomorrow for a full body PET scan. Oncologist wants to determine if the cancer has spread or if it's confined to the lump on my neck. Keeping fingers crossed. Have a great day everyone.
I had to get in from the garden, it's way too hot out there. So it's ice fans at full warp speed, whilst I fill a bowl of Hobbit Weed, in a Rattrays Dark Reign.
Earlier today Nurse Ratchet told me I had to hydrate more often in this heat, now i don't normally like to take her fussing without a moan, but on this occasion, I think she's right. So to show willing I think I'll take her advice, and head down to the pub and hydrate as much as i can.🤣
