It's cooled off and I'm on the patio smoking Arango Balkan Supreme in a Hardcastle's Crown bent billiard with saddle stem. I'm drinking Dooley's 5 Y.O. Barbados Rum, and reading Lord of the Rings.

Thanks for the update, Ranger. The therapy sounds pretty intense, but if I understand correctly it sounds like the doctors are optimistic. So hang in there.Good afternoon BoBs. Decided to cheat and sneak in a bowl of GLP Quiet Nights in a Randy Wiley freehand bent dublin. Figured if smoking for the last 15 years since my last chemo treatments did exacerbate the cancer, 1 or 2 more bowls isn't going to make much difference. And the radiology oncologist told me this afternoon the tumor was most likely caused because I am positive for HPV. ( human papiloma virus, no relation to HIV) Anyway, they are moving aggressively towards a treatment plan. Seeing the ENT Doc on Monday after which I will start radiation treatments. Every day, 5 days a week for 7 weeks. Will probably cure it but has some nasty side effects. Sore throat, loss of taste, loss of appetite, etc. Oh well, wanted to lose a bit of weight anyway, lol. Sorry for the distribution but thought you guys might want to know I'm OK with this and I will still be following my fellow BoBs. Good evening my friends. Oh, a caramel macchiato is my drink, lol.
Stay positive and open to alternative treatments if you don't like your doctors solution look for alternatives!But it`s progress
No cigarettes, don't inhale! You smoke outdoors. Minimizing your smokes should be fine!Figured if smoking for the last 15 years since my last chemo treatments did exacerbate the cancer, 1 or 2 more bowls isn't going to make much difference.