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Brothers of Briar

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Grandi ~ Ken Byron Burlier Morning Pipe

sv2sOZucFJDuD6m3z7clElve-5RS5IsC5IkLuGmpBso0TGpnBm76IGXEgTd1VHKHImftbugjVw8wMoo1B-qpFuGpzurDZw-FBX7aP_kZHXfhxh_Aopqpg9aD_rBUCtiuXvrDkX0dR6QVz8WuvyDouzXiEllE4hhX49tMjXcMVpWm6GM2GMddWhTBKDsLqf6vfrqyE3MeMY0aILW07efhbmOYFjEI0wO0SZNqAJxiVM73fLwPlEBlD1KrTGiQhxIDQPI-ikGrt1nQ1VKXHzrQm_klE23hNT3vHATiZASfyuJy99KIzdjBmcrRkl9H_jl6JC0FqwJMwpUNz_DZd-W8IpJzYoPNKH_xAMB_OKx1WIWidwcSOiBroPBCSbmpYGW2deW1SqyC0MHE_JWerraw_yaQ_u0C3ULkDynaxjZeHEfuRF8tg_hksf7zr-K3TLJ5-g0QGik0on1VHMlYswN0qlpkcmPNpE7ng3htsvLqD7coPAhiYIrYnvQV4DeiKi10BteVvqfW5AtGRrvEtrX29Qmtf-iDp-dDqCDFxwKi-Mk2tG5oX-CZYnPauZZYocIJ-pUyNZ-iDmcfFYnwbtIh3ZeKBDoWhEYwkFBK8eQ-E56RqFES7MsPiDeiDp7U27UHGPaK8hJ4dBx041vImoPWuS6Op6W9lSEegOKNyNdVB8ey4AJEf3Ueuwk=w1213-h909-no" style="width: 800px;height: 600px
Hello from Greece, he have clouds and 42 'F but the Meteo guys said that tomorrow everything will be better.


Briar Patch Grand Marnier.
Hey BloodWood, for some reason your pictures are not coming up in your posts. Everyone else's pictures do. Just thought I'd let you know. There is probably something screwed with my computer.
Finally feeling a bit better. Got to smoke a small bowl of Butternut Burley in my Emerald cob. It didn't taste all that great. But then again, neither has any of the food I've eaten the last several days. I took a short walk this morning. I had to get out of the house. I think I'm on the road to recovery!
2001 CC in a no name chimney with coffee, watching Arsenal v Crystal Palace. COYG!
After a homemade chili dinner I'm smoking some butternut burley in a Brigham 59 billiard while waiting for the Titans/Ravens football game to come on tv. Sitting in front of the woodburning stove stoking the fire and drinking coffee.

Hello from Greece, we have sun and 52 'F but terrible noise from road constructions in front of our house.


Torben Dansk Premium 999.

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