I've never smoked it, so I can't tell you anything about it.Had my nightcap already, Black and Golden Cavendish in my Savinelli 616 KS.
@JimInks I thought about getting Elizabethan Match in my Sutliff order this time round but opted for African Queen. What is your take on African Queen? I went with it bc it is a Oriental/Burley/Virginia blend, but not technically an English blend - no Latakia. I also enjoyed the film. Elizabethan is still on my to do list.
I have two flocks of Barred Plymouth Rocks each with a rooster and ten hens. Do you keep a specific breed or a mixed female flock?move the chicken coop
Man, that's a good looking pipe. Hard to believe it is a second.About to go outside and enjoy this SPC Plum Pudding Special Reserve in my new to me Irish Second and have a final cup of coffee.
Might even walk up the hill to the house pad with a dog and watch the sunset.
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