61° with a forecast of 80 today. I guess we should've assumed we'd slingshot into summer. Kept it simple this morning with a MM Legend cob and Stokkebye 41 cube cut. The cob is ghosted with Big N' Burley, and I didn't care for it this morning. Oh well, live to fight another day.
By the way, when people describe Big N' Burley, I'm at a total loss. When I received my first order years ago, it didn't look anything like the pictures. I thought they sent the wrong tobacco, so they sent a replacement. Nope. Same tobacco the second time. I taste zero perique, zero latakia, and absolutely NOT sweet in any way. I'm not sure about the Turkish. I taste it as very close to cigar leaf, and the aftertaste and room note are similar to cigar too. Not exactly like cigar, but that's the closest flavor I can come up with to describe it. Dry on the tongue like a cigar, too. A very one-note tobacco. A unique flavor, but no complexity to it at all inasmuch as other recognizable flavors. I'm still wondering if I've tasted Big N' Burley, and if not, what in the heck is this stuff that I have? And as I say, this stuff ghosts a pipe like no other tobacco I've personally had.