'Dayyy from Athens-Greece, i am watching the movie Enemy Lines (2020), the movie based on the ''Alsos Mission" [Alsos is Greek word means Grove in english] but has so many historical and technical mistakes. I wonder who create these gorget patches on the left and as for the right picture, this is ''USMC Major Kaminski" and with that hair look will infiltrate to a Polish village [he speaks Polish language] to find local partisans while among them are traitors which collaborate with the Germans. For sure looks like a local guy and a Poland spy will not realize what really is huh?
I am smoking McLintock Syrian Latakia in a Breebia, double espresso beside me.
Continuing to enjoy my birth year Dunhill's with a rotation of GLP's Embarcadero and Bob's Chocolate Flake. This morning I treated myself to a bowl of sublime Larus Bros. Edgeworth Sliced Still have 3-4 ozs. of this original wonder remaining!! :cheers FTRPLT
So sad to just now read about the loss of Bruce Weaver. He was a consummate gentleman and a fine pipe artisan. In his honor smoking the beautiful nose warmer he made for me in back in the late 2000's with some 1792 flake from 2008. RIP brother.