Maybe you need a stampede string, lol.A warm and windy day -- my hat even blew off! Opened a bulging tin of Triple Play from 2017, two bowls in Country Gentlemen
I haven't smoked in my briars consistently in quite a while so I can't say. I too prefer Kensington as a repeat blend. I started with English/Balkans a little over ten years ago when I got tired of looking at the tin of EMP I bought by mistake. It blew me away and became my morning tobacco and London Mixture beat out everything else I tried to become my anytime smoke. When Dunhill became Peterson and London was dropped I began another search. What I've found so far is that either Charring Cross or Drucquer Levant are a good first pipe of the day and Kensington is better than London Mixture. My next step will be matching them up with briars which could take time considering I took down most/all of the cake before resting them for a few years.I notice the Charring Cross seems to smoke a bit hot in a briar. Have you noticed that or have you only had it in cobs? I prefer the Kensington over the Charring Cross.