Enjoying my first ever bowl of Half and Half, in my Mastersen Freehand that I restored. Not bad, but not as good as Velvet.
Really, you should be humming I shoulda been a cowboy by Toby Keith, lol.I looked at the picture, and immediately started humming the tune from Bonanza
Now smoking BB Gettysburg in an Altinay pot meerschaum.
I bought the two samplers they had in the eight ounce tins, they're aromatic, they're okay. The flavors they claim don't really emerge, but the blends grow on me as I refill the pipe. If you wanted cherry or peach for example, there are stronger blends. Cheers!Hey Charley, how do you like the BB blends? Have you tried many of them? Pipesandcigars.com has a BB sampler on sale and I'm thinking of buying one.
Those horses and you guys look great. When a youngster, I had what was sold to me as a "pony", but he was stout as a mule and wide backed. I rode mostly bare backed. He had Morgan horse in him. His name was Big John. My grandma got too close to us oneJim and I out on the trail with a fellow Ranger John. Jim on the left. I'm on the right on John's horse Storm. A Morga/mustang cross. Great mountain horse and I rode him doing mounted shooting.