I was looking at Amazon purse straps, do you make your own leather goods? That's cool. You have to work a sewing machine though.Baling wire? You do know you can buy leather latigo on Amazon right?

I was looking at Amazon purse straps, do you make your own leather goods? That's cool. You have to work a sewing machine though.Baling wire? You do know you can buy leather latigo on Amazon right?
Don't make any leather goods but have friends who do. I do leather repairs, saddles, bridles, etc. Just can't imagine using bailing wire on anything leather, lol.I was looking at Amazon purse straps, do you make your own leather goods? That's cool. You have to work a sewing machine though.
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Consistently, damn phone.Good morning everyone. Starting with my go to Urban Cowboy in a Pete Pub and a big mug of Costa Rican coffee. Bright, sunny 65 already. Gonna be warm today. Heading out to muck amd do lunch feeding at HwH in a few hours. EZ, good on you for helping our vets. Last week our Legion Riders group donated $1000 worth of goods to the Domicilliary at the VA hospital here. Blankets, laundry detergent and talcum powder. Items which oddly the VA doesn't provide. Zippo, it's not just weather forecasters. Here in the good ole USA we have another group that can condustently get things wrong and still draw a salary. It's called Congress, lol.
Glad I'm not the only one with Old Timers Disease, lol.I wrote the above over an hour ago, and forgot to post it Duhhhh