Hi Jim! I'm smoking Carter Hall as well as I type this. I'm using my old trusty 1970s Dr. Grabow Royal Duke saddle bit billiardNow smoking year 2012 Carter Hall in a black rusticated medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY 4AB No. 437/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. I may end the day with this smoke.
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LL-7 and Prince Albert have been my main smokes for the past month!Smoking some Lane LL-7 in a Savinelli 616 ks with a mug of Martinson coffee.
Damn still on page 900, but I forgot about the pages in between duhhhh.Hoping this kicks off page 1000but if not, I hope it's a great smoke anyway. Plugging a big Ben nose warmer, with some Rivendell for a quick and crafty smoke. Whilst they put bunting up for the coronation tomorrow
Does it growl like it used to? I'd love to hear you play it. You know, for all the meersOn a bit of a Lat kick the last few days. Just finishing off a bowl of GH #25 in a Vauen Oak. Didn't love this pipe for most of my other go-to blends, but it really sings with these GH lats for some reason.
Upright bass is in fully functional shape, Thanks @Charley Scanlan for buying all my meers!
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So. You and Patsy going to wear your royal robes and try to win the contest, lol?Quick smoke of my fave ever Hobbit weed, in a Falcon fitted with an apple bowl. Then Mrs Z is driving me over to the British Legion, to continue preparations for tomorrow's coronation, of our new King
Oh, forgot the pic.Grabbing an afternoon smoke of C&D Billy Budd in a flame grain 1/4 bent Butz Choquin dublin. Good looking pipe but has a tendency to smoke a bit warm so have to be careful which tobacco I put in it. Earl Gray tea on the side.