Best of Everything in a Savinelli Manzoni. I was expecting a lat bomb, but the latakia just gives it a minty smoky taste. That latakia had been sitting in a McClelland 27 tin, which shows how long it's been sitting there.

I actually like JD Coffee, but then again I'm English, and don't know much about coffeeGood morning fellow BoBs. Just finishing a bowl of McB Burley Flake in a Pete Xmas 2021 Milverton. Had some fancy coffee wife picked up yesterday. Think it was Jack Daniels brand. Not that great. Told her to pour it out and make a fresh pot of Costa Rican blend which is much better.
Don't think I've asked before, but do you get the green beans from Sweet Maria's?I've been roasting and drinking the American standard for coffee, Columbian! Having a cup now with GLP Westminster in a Diplomat waiting for the freshly baked blueberry muffins to cool!
I started roasting coffee over 15 years ago, I believe I bought from them and Captain's Coffee when I was looking for single origin beans, micro lots of Kenya or Java, etc. Then I found Invalsa which imports high quality South and Central American beans but the Columbian I've been roasting is from Fresh Roasted Coffee through Amazon. Not the best but convenient and you get the green beans from Sweet Maria's?