These were the words on the beginning of the movie [it had more offensive than i posted], these were on subtitles not my personal opinion. In every Film site the description is ''offensive'' to many people and since i am not the director what can i do? I didn't wrote a personal analysis or didn't blame the A or B side.Blackhorse":7xdlhn7b said:Sid - please be advised that the events described in your interesting historical note above, are close enough to recent partisan circumstances here in the USA that their inclusion in your post is close to qualifying as being of a political nature.
Pete's do make up the majority of my collectionBlackhorse":u4g1652x said:DL Ruth - you must have a really healthy collection of Pete Ware! I think my earliest at this point is a 4th of July 2000. Of the various brands I still have around here I have a great fondness for the Pete’s. I bet all of us do.