3000 !!! Wow, that must be like every tobacco ever produced.Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and smoked a bowl of year 2001 VaPer Three Nuns in a 1938 straight black grain relief Dunhill OX Shell bulldog with a silver band repair with a black vulcanite saddle stem. Just posted my 3,000 review at TR.
View attachment 7724
Not even half according to the numbers at TR.3000 !!! Wow, that must be like every tobacco ever produced.
Yeah, but it must be a fair % of what's been produced over the last few decades!Not even half according to the numbers at TR.
Bali, what is the new one called? Name?The so called major storm dropped less than 6 inches. After shoveling the short path to the bird house and feeding the few animals we over wintered I'm relaxing with some Pease Charring Cross in an MM Diplomat along with a cup of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee. MM released another newly designed cob with an acrylic stem, hopefully Smoking Pipes carries it so I can get free shipping by adding some tobacco to the order!