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Brothers of Briar

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Smoking a Pete Strand with MB symphony,bottle of Poland spring water, My wife and I have both been sick with the flu/colds since Christmas eve-very possibly a gift from our Grandchildren! At least everyone was together and had a good time.
I took Peterson Flake in a Let Freedom Ring Rob Roy on the dump run and finish it while finishing the the YouTube video of @JimInks, it was interesting, informative and enjoyable. YouTube queued another video of The Virtual Pipe Club with Russ Oulette in which Jim got a very nice mention from Russ.

Dinner's finished and I'm smoking a Pride filled with Kensington along with coffee.
Now smoking Watch City Mistletoe Jam (Christmas 2022) in a 1979 smooth natural signed Rossi 1886 OomPaul 124 with a dark amber colored acrylic saddle stem. Haven't smoked this pipe in years.
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Right pipe, wrong pipe description. Oh well...

It was a sienna toned slightly etched 1979 signed Rossi 1886 Visconte 245 Hungarian with a ring around the middle of the shank and an amber acrylic stem.
Sitting on my 30°F porch with twinkle of snow falling. Bayou Morning in the Dunhill.

I was feeling like I wasn't enjoying my pipes very much in the last week. This morning, after not enjoying some John Bull, I suddenly realized that I must be packing too tight. Little bit later I loaded up again using a lighter touch, and voila! Back to yummy.

I am as of Christmas Day a 1-year pipe smoker. Still making dumb mistakes and still learning.
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, snapper and sugar snap peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm passing the quarter mark of this bowl of Watch City Simply VOriental in a 1977 smooth Rubino (Lorenzo) Hungarian with a tapered black vulcanite stem. I need to make a solo photo of this pipe. It's the bottom one in this pic. The bowl is rounder than the photo indicates.
Rubino_Lorenzo & Rossi_ OomPaul.jpg
Now smoking year 2020 D&R VIP in a 1979 pebble relief natural Verona Corallo 3080 Hungarian (Armellini second) with a black acrylic saddle stem. I used to smoke H&H Virginia Spice in this pipe, and one of these days, I will again. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink.
Now smoking Watch City American Cut Plug Mixture in a 1979 Ascorti Business KS Hungarian with a black pearl acrylic stem. My favorite and most smoked Hungarian. Paid $60 for it my local Tinderbox on time payments when I was in college. The owner was a very kind man. Knowing I only had so much money to spend, he let me have the pipe before I finished paying for it.
Ascorti Business KS Hungarian.jpg
Did a little snacking, and am a third of the way through this bowl of Drucquer & Sons The King’s Fool in a 1976 black rough carved Pioneer Meerschaum Hungarian with a pearl brown acrylic saddle stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
Pioneer Meerschaum Hungarian.jpg
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am near the half way mark of this bowl of Watch City Original Crumb Cut in a 1970’s smooth Savinelli Non Pareil 9574 Hungarian with a horn ferrule and a black vulcanite stem. This is the last of my Hungarian pipes. I may end the day with this smoke. Except for Daisy the Feral Princess chasing away Abner the Eager and Sam the Scamp a couple of times, there was no feral drama for a change. Haven't seen Tomato the Brave in two days, but since the rain has stopped, he may show up later. I wonder where he goes when it rains?
Sav. NP.OomPaul.jpg
Smoking a GreatDane hardwood ballz MM with some backwoods red (better than using it for rollies atm)aggghhhh should get my order in the next few days. I have a carter hall (in stock lol) and another on the way. I know over there i think it is considered as a drug store povo blend but looking forward to trying it when the back up jar arrives
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Good morning BoBs. Slept in a bit, then got up and split chores with the wife. She fed Charlie and I filled the bird feeders. About half way through a bowl of Rivendell and my 2nd mug of CR coffee. Couldn't post till now cause I had to play fetch with Charlie. Doves showed up for breakfast. They seemed pleased that the feeders were full, lol. Serving lunch for homeless vets today at USVets.

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