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Brothers of Briar

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A third of a bowl left of year 2014 Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a 2003 black sandblasted medium bend Karl Erik Ekstravagant scoop with a horn ferrule and black acrylic stem. Took a few photos and videos of the scampers.
Out on the patio with missus. She's enjoying a glass of a delicious Portuguese red blend, and I'm enjoying Bulleit Rye on ice and smoking Sutcliff Rum & Maple in the Hardcastle's Crown bent billiard with saddle stem.
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The best pipes are with the missus :)
@Swede I appreciate the concern, I have two degenerated disks and spinal misalignment. A topical remedy won't address the issue. I've managed it for twenty years with physio and limited prescription pain relief. It will settle down in a few days, my back and I will be fine. Short of a rod in my spine nothing can fix it and it has not reached that point. If I hadn't been so idle this winter it wouldn't be acting up.
The only reason I mentioned it was thinking it could give a little relief not heal. I hope the best for your condition.
The only reason I mentioned it was thinking it could give a little relief not heal. I hope the best for your condition.
Thank-you, I do appreciate your concern. I didn't mean to sound harsh or dismissive. I neglected it over the winter, as I do more my back will complain less.:)When it is really bad traction is the most effective relief, it's amazing how 15 -30 minutes on an inversion table can decompress your spine. I don't have to do it often but it is readily available.
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Relaxing after a wonderful salad, orange roughy and sugar snap peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I've a quarter of a bowl left of year 2018 Sutliff Dunhill Elizabethan Match in a 1982 smooth straight Dunhill Root Briar 31051 dublin with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink.
Good Evening my friends and fellow BoBs 😊.
Well it's been a very busy day here. Its Mrs Z's birthday today, so lots of people popping in and out, and the phone ringing incessantly. But it's been an enjoyable day. Will be going out soon for a meal and a bit of a bash, which I'm hoping is still a surprise to her.
But anyway, I have some time now for a bowl of St.Bruno in a St.Bruno. This pipe was commissioned by Ogdens in 1996, to mark its centenary of its St.Bruno blend. The maker was Murray Frame & Love. One of the last independents in the UK. Sadly I believe no longer in business.
Have an awesome day my friends, happy puffing 😊View attachment 17510View attachment 17511
Everything about that picture is lovely. Have a blast at the Bday Bash.
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am passing the quarter mark of this bowl of Wilke No. 111 in a straight smooth medium brown 2016 Brigham Klondike 16 bulldog with a tapered black acrylic stem. Working, monitoring the cats, and listening to a 1960s Jean Shepard broadcast.
Enjoyed some low calorie snacking, and have a third of a bowl left of D&R Penhooker Silver in a straight smooth brown undated pre-Republic Peterson Shamrock 263 Canadian with a nickel band and a tapered black p-lip stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.

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