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Brothers of Briar

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About to fire Stokkebye Bullseye Flake in a Dunhill Cumberland 5117 Squat Bulldog. -3 F this morning. Working in my den. Coffee in hand.
I don't know why I wrote that the stem is acrylic when it's either vulcanite or para rubber. My mistake, and I appreciate you pointing it out to me. I'll fix that after I finish this post. Btw, what is the difference between para rubber and vulcanite?

I don't know what that circle represents, but there's nothing stamped inside it, and it's stamped on the stem. I have seen that on two other Connoissseur pipes. Wish I knew the answer.
I believe that para rubber (I've also see it written 'Para rubber') is a particular type or grade of vulcanite. Ed liked the quality of that material and made a point of noting that it was what he used for his pipes.
Starting off my smoking day with a bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Fed everybody, but myself. Tomato the Brave and Abner the Eager left after they ate. It rained some today, and more is supposed to come, but I'm hoping conditions will allow me to finally get in a set of walking reps. The roads are mostly clear of ice.
Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg
Enjoyed a tall stack of cinnamon raisin French toast with unsalted peanuts and a golden delicious apple lunch. I'm half way through this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Gold Star Nightwish, neat, is my drink.
Now smoking unreleased 2021 Sutliff Virginia plug in a 2002 straight grain Karl Erik Ekstravagant A medium bend dublin sitter with a small horn ferrule accent and black acrylic saddle stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
I am up from my nap, Smoking a Bari Wiking bent Rhodesian,Capt black Royal blend. Mug of DD coffee to pair it with. So far we have heavy rain,43 degrees, Temps are supposed to drop rapidly over night, 4 inches of Snow expected tomorrow!
Smoking some C&D Maestro Pucinni in a Savinelli Estella 511KS. Watching the Texans vs the refs…I mean Chiefs lol! Bracing for another round of snow tomorrow and will likely spend my “day off” on Monday at work shoveling!
Not far from finishing this bowl of unreleased 2021 Sutliff VaPer in a mid-2000 decade Tom Eltang straight black sand blasted canted AJ Dublin with a cream and brown horn ferrule, and a tapered black acrylic stem.
Near the last quarter of Watch City Original Crumb Cut in a 1950s-60s straight smooth brown Bertram 07 octagonal paneled billiard with a square shank and a tapered black vulcanite stem. Daisy the Feral Princess was inside, but the others were at the door wanting in. I opened the door, and Harry the Hairy attacked Tomato the Brave by jumping on him and a fight broke out. Tomato, who's not a fighter, ran off. Abner the Eager was very scared, so I picked him up and brought him in to eat. He's okay now. I left Harry outside. We thought spending time with him would lower his aggressive attitude towards the other ferals, but that hasn't been the case. Harry is nice to us, but not to other cats. Neutering him hasn't made a difference.
Bertram_07 _panel_billiard.jpg