Good morning, BoB. TGIF. My morning pipe today is Carter Hall in the Cobbler. Fresh coffee to pair. Against my better judgement, I sent off a tobacco order yesterday for 4 x 4oz. All C&D: Bayou Night, Epiphany, Constellation, and Star of the East Gold. I also have an order en route for two cobs and some K&K tobacco. Some sundry supplies as well. It should arrive by next Friday, I hope. Off to the course for lunch today. I've thrown in the towel for the ski season I just want to focus on getting myself down a few pounds and range of motion in my shoulder and knee. I'm more or less back to normal painwise. The exercise program was a bust, it only served to aggravate my knee. I'll go back to what works best, light cycling. I'm all over the map today and my coffee is getting cold, more later.