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Brothers of Briar

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An awesome start to the day with Walnut in a Rinaldo YYY Lithos Titania.
Xmas Cheer '07 in a Johs bent egg... shaping up to be my broken flake pipe of choice.
morning all enjoying my first bowl of SG FVF in one of my boswell pokers this FVF is really good stuff thanks for the help ken
Good Morning All,

Marble Kake in a Peterson emerald bulldog.

Bright sunny day here.

:D Paul
Morn' All, Penzance from '04, in mt ODA straight Erlich's Billard, Ken :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
Last evening and this morning.....Yale Mixture and Morley's Best in a Hardcastle's bent & Ashton XX Shell bulldog. FTRPLT
Another fabulous beginning to a beautiful day with Walnut in a Tinsky Coral bent apple. Could it get any better?.............I think not! Unless of course if it maybe was Walnut in a Brissett! Well, sometimes you gotta let those pipes rest...............
Good Morning All,

Scottish Flake in a Lorenzetti billiard.

Sunny hot day here today.

:D Paul
Afternoon All, Pegasus in my Boswell bent ball, Exclusive in an old Diebel's Cherrywood, Ken. :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
McCrainie's #88 and Coyote in an old GBD second (shop pipe) billiard and a Longchamp billiard. FTRPLT
Cruising into late afternoon with an inch and a half of a Santa Damiana cigar smoldering in this Tinsky. Excellent fit, excellent taste.


Even' All, Blockade Runner and Kajun Kake, both from '07, in the above pipes, Ken. :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
Last night SH Our Best Blend in the Chedda to the left. This morning Bombay Extra in a GBD Calabash.
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