Well, I'm doing something this morning I seldom do. I'm sitting my fat ass on the couch and ain't gonna do a thing today! I managed to injure myself at work a few weeks back and was on light duty for a month. Light duty means no overtime, just 40 hours a week of running errands for the boss and a lot of rather boring sitting around. The shoulder finally loosened up enough to get a doctors release so I've been going gangbusters with the overtime, trying to catch up and taking all I can get (in the summer I can manage to get 20 plus hours a week of OT if I'm eager enough).
Well boys, I must be getting old because it kicked my backside :lol: Worked 65 hour this week and I'm fried. Luckily there is endless preseason football on the tube (cable, NFL network
) and I am assuming the position.
Comfy recliner, FVF in a Ferndown billard, a dram of Laphroaig
Oh yeah, now
that's therapy 8)