Even' All, Two very delicious and luxurious bowlsfull to-nite, Somerset Flake[ Burley, from Peretti's] in mt old Weber Cutty, Scottish Flake[Va. soaked in wine, from Peretti's] Ken. :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
Smoking my Rovera Art Pipe from Italy,it's sort of a briar calabash like a meer gourd calabash.G&H Best Brown Flake,how good it tastes.No work tommorrow,staying up late with fine tobacco and good coffee. :lol: :lol:
Even' All, Two DGT'd pipes to-day, Scottish flake, in my Sav.8, in my Castello GG Nat. Ver. #75 Lovat SG's Best Brown. Ken. :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue: