Youre always supposed to smoke a Pete on the 29th of the month. Something to do with Leprechons I'm told For me it's a Pete Premier blasted straight Bulldog with that tobacco from Heaven, Peretti's Royal Blend
Looks like I am going to have to invest in a Pete 303 some day down the road.. Until then .. Brown Clunee in a Bradberry Silver Band Pot. Then Esoterica Margate in a Valky's Coffee Cup Pipe. Just returned from a bowl of Magnum Opus in a Louie's Oil Finish Billiard.. :cheers:
After a bowl of one of my favorite English blends, C&D Plantation Evening in a Jan Zeman, I smoked one of my favorite VAs, McC 5100 Red Cake in a Peterson 87 apple. I had some H&H Sunjammer in a Jan Zeman and am now enjoying some Bosworth Sweet and Mild in a Savinelli. Four very good pipes and tobaccos.