Reviewed By: Date: Strength: Flavoring: Taste: Room Note: Recommendation:
A. Morley Jaques 05/05/2004 Mild Very Strong Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
It would seem that it is to be my lot to take some kind of sick joy in all of these blends that are either passed over or outright hated by so many others. I like Mixture No. 79, you see. Like is the opperative word here. I love Prince Albert, I love Grousemoore; at times, though, and not infrequently, 79 suits me right down to the ground. My severe burley fixation is most likely a governing factor herein. I have always liked the quality and cut of burley employed by H. Sutliff, having, as it does, a softer, seemingly mor herbal note than that of many other drugstore brands.
That infamous casing that is so feared by so many others about, while not in keeping with modern and conventional tastes, is both complex and masterly. It is at once like unto the flavor found in many old style candies and that perfumish, eighteenth century style of blending only found today in those blends of a truly ancient pedigree. I have smoked this in a clay many a time, in fact. I love how I will, throughout the bowlful, get just the first hint of a Captian Black sort of sweetness which will then fast give over to the floral notes that are in such fine blends as Bourbon Street. By golly, what's good enough for Hef is good enough for me. Let's hope that he will soon come back to the fold, whatever blend he should choose.
Granted, this is easily induced to smoke hot and a little wet at times. I would be interested to see how it would perform in a pipe with a filter, Medico, 9mm., or otherwise.
A. Morley Jaques