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Brothers of Briar

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Royal Yacht in a Viking Classic Skagen bent apple.

Mac Baren Navy Flake in a MM Cob Diplomat. This is the end of my sample of this stuff generously provided by Natch. I gave it my best effort but no matter how I tried every smoke ended with tongue bite and copious end of the night Biotene treatments. I just bought a tin of Old Dark Fired. I pray that the results are not the same.
FVF in a Larsen Canadian... It's been a little while.... Might have to have an all-day-FVF-fest tomorrow... It's THAT good!
...this morning, a bowl of SG 1792 Flake in a Radice Rind Billiard...

“I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs.”
-Albert Einstein, 1950
E Hoffman Distinguished Gentleman I picked up on a recent trip to Chicago. Iwan Ries shop is a must see !
Peterson Special 2012 Reserve in my first ever MM cob (I've got 9 more thanks to a top tip from Brother Kaiser83 - a grab bag of smokeable seconds from MM for $29.99!). :cheers:

Now I just have to decide whether to join the Sharks or the Jets (I'm never completely sure which gang smoke the Dunhills!). :lol!:


Blackpoint in a Benton Bulldog.

It's been a while since I dipped into this tin...I forgot how much I love it.
St Bruno Ready Rubbed in MM Country Gentleman........I'm enjoying this!


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