Finished the first bowl smoked in my new Todd Harris bulldog. I suspect this is gonna turn out to be a great pipe for VA and Navy flakes, but for now it'll be 10-15 bowls of Carter Hall to break her in.
Now it's off to bed a bit early to get some extra time listening to the rain against the windows.
I'm half way through a cup of coffee and a bowl of Anniversary Kake in a 1979 Chippendale (Charatan second) Rhodesian 49. Waiting in the ol' ashtray is Half&Half in a MM Diplomat cob.
Still smoking H&H (less than half a pouch left), but now it's in a MM General cob. If I have time, I'll sneak in Three Friars in a MM Pony Express cob as my last smoke of the night/morning.
Started my day with Dorchester in a slight bent late 1970's Caminetto 103 Business KS. Waiting in the wings is my next to last bowl of this tin of Louisiana Red in a 1999 medium bend black sandblast Savinelli Tris 677KS with a cumberland stem.