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Brothers of Briar

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Nightcap, in "Pavarotti", a big Sea Rock G65.
Earl Grey on the side.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Having a smoke with my father, Dunhill Flake in an Ashton Old Church bulldog.
Happy thanksgiving!
In honor of Thanksgiving, Red Virginia in my tavern clay
Earlier this morning, I smoked Three Friars in a 1998 smooth full bend Parker of London 489. Right now, it's Amphora Red in a Sasieni 4 Dot Ruff Root Dark 4 Dublin. I'll post my next smokes before I go to be with family, but let me wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. And while it's true that you can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant ('ceptin' Alice), don't be a turkey or you'll end up on the Group W dinner table! ;)
Todays gonna be a Georges Simenon kinda day, smoke wise. Some more Royal Yacht in my Pete Donegal "Rocky" 999. This one's from back when they were a shell sandblasted finish. Cooking a small Turkey Day lite "feast" for my mother and I later today. Her 88th b'day is Sunday and the whole family will get together then for the "official" feast :p Hope ya'll all have a nice day with those that matter today :p

last night was Peter Stokkebye Bullseye Flake. it was the second tobacco i ever bought. tasted like hot air when i bought it. thankfully i put it in a jar and it sat around for a bit. it was amazing how much different it was. not sure if it was a few months aging, or my palate changing, but that was one of the finest smokes i've had yet. it all took place in my second pipe:
Christened my Peterson Christmas billiard today with a bowl of Holiday Spirit. The Pete is very nice.

Also tried my first bowl of Squadron Leader in a Nording and wondering what I'm missing... practically no flavor, at all. I'm going to have to try it again in a different pipe. As much as people rave about SL, I know it must be user error. :scratch:
...time to wind down and relax after a full day...so, SG Cob Plug in a Larrysson blast Lovat... :cheers:

With my pipe in long repose
Gently I my thoughts compose
the peace I find with briar in hand
only the few, and noble understand
Marble Kake/Night Train mix, in a chubby bent rhodesian.
After Thanksgiving Dinner, Grasmere Flake in a Falcon (bulldog)
Back from a Thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat and I didn't get a ticket for littering! I did smoke a bowl of Anniversary Kake in a 1979 Chippendale (Charatan second) Rhodesian 49. I really think that pipe was made for this tobacco; it just took 32 years to discover that! Now, I'm lighting up a bowl of Dorchester in a 1986 smooth full bend Peterson System Standard XL 315, that hasn't been smoked in several years. I forgot what a good smoker this unjustly neglected pipe is.
I had a great Thanksgiving as I hope you all did. :cheers: There is just one thing that could top it all off. :twisted:
A pipe full of McClelland Holiday Spirit 2012 :!: The pipe is a Peterson Killarney #86 8)
Throw in a mug or two of Sleepytime Herbal Tea and you have perfection that looks something like this.......

Good night BoB :sleep:

:sleep: Go to sleep and good night;
:sleep: In a rosy twilight,
:sleep: With the moon overhead
:sleep: Snuggle deep in your bed.
Three Friars in a Karl Erik Ekstravagant A medium bend with a pointy bottom.
...up early as usual...not for Black Friday as I detest the crowds, hysteria, and general mania that goes with such events...so, this morning, R. McConnell Special London shag...followed by Cob Plug in a Savinelli Baronet XL blast Canadian... :cheers:

...up next, Royal Yacht in a Radice Rind billiard... :cheers:


“Pipe smoking is not a habit…but a way of life”…
Peterson's Hyde Park in a Pete 03.

First time smoking this blend and I'm very impressed - I has some similarity to St Bruno, in particular the slight Lakeland aftertaste (and no Latakia). :cheers:

My brother is a big Condor and St Bruno fan and will definitely enjoy Hyde Park.


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