...early morning, Amphora Full Aroma, followed by American Spirit Perique Blend, then D&R Picayune Mixture and now currently, SG Commonwealth in a 1966 group 4 Dunhill shell billiard... :cheers:
...up next, Players Navy Flake... :cheers:
“Pipe smoking is not a habit…but a way of life”…PeterD
Just lit up Anniversary Kake in a 1979 Chippendale (Charatan second) Rhodesian 49. Going out to dinner with some friends and won't get to smoke this evening. You can see that there's always a price to pay for doing things.
Another after dinner bowl of Royal Yacht in a Premier brown blasted st bulldog Peterson my father bought in London in 1946. I'm starting to realize why Georges Simenon smoked this stuff as his only tobacco! mmmmmmmm