Well the weather has been ridiculous in the last month, so much so that I haven't smoked a bowl in two weeks, as I prefer to smoke outside. Today I reached breaking point, and even though the gale smoked half my pipe for me...
CC Elizabethan mix in a Peterson 80s. Good times are here again!
Butternut Burley in a 1979 MM cob. Normally, this is sweeter than I like, but in a small cob, it's a nice change. I'm almost out of the sample, and will move on to other stuff, but I have enjoyed it while it's lasted.
John Patton Virginia Squire in a 1970s smooth straight grain Savinelli Oom Paul Non Pareil 9504. A light Virginia/white burley blend, smooth as silk and no bite.
Since I was here last, I smoked Louisiana Red in an unbranded late '70s Charatan smooth Billiard, now followed by G&H Dark Birdseye in an old Barling straight Exel 249 Fossil T.V.F. with a silver band and military bit. And hot tea.