Took in some ruins along Kennall Vale, put a picture thread up here for anyone interested. At the end I took a break and enjoyed some No-bite Delite in a Dr Grabow I was very kindly bombed with last November
Nearly finished with London Blend in a 1980s no name smooth straight apple. Next is Year 2000 Dunhill Deluxe Navy Rolls in a straight 1968 Dunhill Shell bulldog.
Almost finished with my first bowl of Golden Extra in a straight 2012 MM Pony Express cob. Waiting to burn is Dark Flake Unscented in a smooth briar calabash shape 1984 Fero Danese made in Italy.
Took the dog for a walk along the cliffs at St. Gennys at dusk. Brought along a superb bent Rhodesian Geoff was kind enough to bomb me with, the thing has a huge bowl and I filled it up with warrior plug. That's a big smoke on many levels!