Today was the one pipe 5 different tobaccos of which I used the 2/3 of the choice of tobacco I was going to smoke and 1/3 Kajun Kake (except for the walkabout when the Tsuge smoked AJ's Vapers). I basically chose one pipe to smoke w/o doing anything to it save pop a pipe cleaner in it after smoking it, got very little rest time today. I used a MM Diplomat, first tobacco being Plum Cake, followed by AJ's Vapers, Troost Special Cavendish, a Lakeland Home Brew and knowing how much Lakeland can ghost I followed it up with AJ's again since it has a mild taste and no ghost. The cob didn't even get hot only warm, not once did it not smoke to ash or leave moisture, to say I was astonished would be putting it mildly. It now deserves a proper rest but I thought everyone might find this of interest.