Well brought the boy out for his early constitutional while sipping on a large cuppa Khave, strong and black. Smoking a DTG of Plum Cake in the no name cob, another large cuppa of black and strong while parlaying these thoughts.
Toodled to the beach in the SL500 listening to the three tenors sipping on the Ascorti filled with AoTM watching the sun rise in the US a large cuppa black by my side.
Finished the Ascorti 1/4 bent bulldog filled with AoTM on the way back from downing 2 more large cuppa's black at the restaurant where I found out I didn't transfer my pocket contents and had not so much as a single copper in me pockets! Thankfully the Chair of Selectman paid my bill and left the tip which I will repay in the morrow.
...early AM...another bowl of SG Turkish Blend...followed by my current bowl of R. McConnell Special London Matured in a L'Antra smooth Canadian... :cheers:
...up next....G&H Kendal Mixture... :cheers:
“My Passions are my Children/Grandkids, my Religion, my Music, my Pipes & Tobaccos…” PeterD
Enjoying Dunhill Flake, for a change of pace from Uhle's "Bishop's Move," in my Dunhill 1933 pipe, with a small glass of Miles Finest Rainwater Medium Dry Madeira, what a beautiful copper color!
Loaded up the Irving Cobb with AoTM and sipped on that until it was time for our walkabout and I loaded the Tsuge Tankard with straight Plum Cake. Then while I was pruning the Peach Tree and tending to the waterfall problem in the small pond I smoked the no name cob with A0TM and have now moved on to the Black Rock Cob with Anni Kake.
...have enjoyed several bowls of SG Turkish Blend today...while considered a blending component, I enjoy it by itself. Light Virginia and steamed Izmir leaf are fine ribbon cut, although closer to a shag...a excellent smoke! :cheers:
Test drove some '11 Sherlock Holmes Pipe Club VR blend after work today in my Pete Silver Spigot System 307 (courtesy of scottbtdmb). T'was quite nice.