Listing this one early, so I can concentrate on some reading: Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a very much appreciated 1979 brown, slight bend grain etched flat front Stanwell Rego 969-48 (09).
AJ's Very Special Blend in a brand new straight grain apple by Briar Spirit Pipes. Oustanding tobacco in an even more outstanding pipe...thanks Aj and Kirk Fitzgerald.
Been raining this morning which is just perfect for Royal Yacht so I'm on my third bowl of it since 7:00am :twisted: This one in a dark brown Relief Grained Charatan 30120DC Canadian. :twisted:
For the drive home today, Germain Brown Flake, with a dash of Edgeworth Sliced, in a bent Wellpipe billiard (faux P-lip). I'm not overly fond of the faux p-lip, but it's given 35 years of fine smoking!
Just finished J. Fox Hibernia in a 2013 slight bend red stone Rockcob poker. Next is 1980s Sir Walter Raleigh in a smooth three quarter bend 1979 Ben Wade Golden Matt freehand sitter.