Just finishing this bowl of Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a slight bend rusticated 1979 Savinelli Estella 310 poker. Next will be Euphoria (Amphora Red Match) in the very first pipe I ever bought ($2.95) in 1974; a smooth three quarter bend Dr. Grabow Omega.
More of Gauntleys' cherry and vanilla aro in a Jambo Meer, whilst reading Allen Andrews' rather excellent account of the aftermath that unfolded after the Great Escape of March 1944 (see avatar).
Good Morning,
After a day that I just wasn't near my computers and no postings, it's back to work and for the ride in I had FVF in the Altinok Ornamented Pear with black coffee.
Second bowl of the day, this one some Dunhill Flake in a Barling EXEXEL st. bulldog that my father bought in London in 1946. Nothing fancy grain pattern wise but one of the FINEST smoking pipes I own and it LOOOVES this 'baccy for sure !! :twisted:
Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 1982 black sandblasted paneled slight bend Savinelli flat bottom sitter. Almost have this tub finished, but you know darn well I have more in the cellar.