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Brothers of Briar

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Emp in a Dunhill shell bent billiard 3102.
Black coffee on the side.
Elizabethan Mixture in a Savinelli Artisan bent Rhodesian.

Good Morning,

I just came back from walking Bailey with a bowl of smokingpipes.com Waccamaw in the Kaywoodie POY 2013. Now it's Edgeworth RR from '45 in a GBD New Standard 135 Billiard with black Ethiopian Sidamo coffee.

Happy Sunday Smoking,

Late start what with the damn time change and all!! Having my first bowl of the day with some Dunhill Flake in an Edward's Coachman with Chicory Coffee, N'Awlins style on the side  :twisted: 
McClelland St. James Woods in a Trypis diplomat
Squadron Leader in a Savinelli Dry System bent rusticated Dublin.
Pepe's Favorite Dark in a bent apple/billiard with a diamond shank by Briar Spirt Pipes.

Three fingers of Patron Anejo Tequilla with a single cube.

75 degrees and sunny with a light breeze.

Florida in the winter.
Royal Yacht in my old gourd calabash (purchased 81-82) -- at least it's warmer today than when this photo was taken!

Enjoying one of my favorites, Boswell's Northwoods, while throwing the tennis ball for the pups.
Navigator in my Peterson Fathers Day XL02.  8) 
Frog Morton in a Comoy's Blue Riband Full Bent Billiard.....
Pierre's Preference in a rolled rim cylinder from Briar Spirit Pipes.
Having some "religion" as it IS Sunday ! Some Presbyterian in a Sasieni Four Dot "Melton" st. bulldog.mmmmmmm  :twisted: 

Russ' Monthly Blend--Cherry Cordial in a Jensen bent Dublin.
3 Friars in a Peterson Around the World USA Billiard...
and, last pipe of the day, squadron leader in a bent saddle bit jobey rhodesian - with decaf coffee on my porch....spring is coming!
Having some Wessex Soveraign Curly Cut in my Hardcastle "Jack o London" banker.

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