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Brothers of Briar

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Stonehaven in a 1986 three quarter bend Bacchus face CAO meer.
...final pipe of the day...PS Nat. Dutch Cavendish in a Ser Jacopo blast Hawkbill... :cheers: 

A few minutes away from smoking Jim's Va/Bur #3 in a 2014 Savinelli Gaius smooth brown slight bend black acrylic military mount 320KS author.
Royal Yacht in a 1970s smooth GBD 9665 slight bend with a rough top flat bottom sitter.
Just finished Nightcap in a Wessex Brigade smooth bent dublin - an inexpensive pipe that's become a real favorite!
A few minutes away from smoking Old Dark Fired in a 1970s GBD Prehistoric Rhodesian 9438 with a perspex stem.
Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 1980s smooth slight bend Wally Frank Dublin.
GLPease Telegraph Hill in a Trypis prince
MacBaren HH Highland Blend in a 2013 slight bend red stone Rekamepip Rockcob poker.
BRG in a 1979 Ascorti Business KS Oom Paul.
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