Semois La Brumeuse in a Kaywoodie billiard. The tobacco was a generous sample that was sent to me by d4klutz, along with a big sample of Walnut. :cheers:
All right, youse mugs! I'm now smoking Monbia's blend, see: Royal Yacht in a 1970s smooth GBD 9665 slight bend with a rough top flat bottom sitter. Ya don't like it, call a cop, see. Myeah!
Having a bowl of one of the HU blends Shane sent me with my pipe, some HU Imagine, a nice smooth Va forward VaPer in one of my A. Garfinkles, a nice grp 4 sized Apple. This is some SMOOTH, tasty smoke !! :twisted:
Just finished smoking Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in the very first pipe I ever smoked (which was my father’s pipe), a late 1950s smooth with etched grooves straight Willard long stem adjustomatic Billiard.
Sutliff PS Mountain Pass in a straight 1979 MM Legend. This cob has a small bowl, but it sure has done well over the last 35 years. Simply Orange is my drink.
No class today! Yeah! Drive into work to grade a few 'midterms', Dark Navy Flake in a wellpipe billiard. When I return home in an hour or so, Revor Plug in my father's old Grabow duke