It's 13:39 CDT and since it's Sunday, having a bowl of "religion", some Presbyterian in my Guibleo D'Oro 121 Pot. Mea culpa, mea culpa :twisted: :twisted:
Thanks to a generous friend, I am smoking Ogden’s Walnut in a straight sandblasted pre-transition Barling Exel 249 Fossil T.V.F. black billiard with a silver band and military bit.
It's 16:40 CDT and having another dose of religion, somemore Presbyterian, this one in the b'day Dunnie my daughter bought me a few years ago. my grp 4 sized Cumberland Pot, one of the last true Dunhills, not a "White Spot" :twisted: :twisted: OK Jim, you've had 10 minutes to finish that last bowl !! What's next ? :twisted: :twisted:
Listing a few minutes early so I can concentrate on work: HU Fayyum Kake in a full bend black pebble finish 2001 Rinaldo Lithos YY8 Titania Silver Line egg.
It's 21:03 CDT and having my usual after dinner bowl of Lady'N', some Royal Yacht in my BY Dunhill Shell Apple. It's a patent from 1946 and is what they built their reputation on. Not quite the same today ! :twisted: :twisted: