Part way through this bowl of D&R London Dock in a smooth medium bend straight grain 2001 Karl Erik Ekstravagant brandy with a leaf engraved silver band.
About a third of the way through this bowl of Sutliff Breckinridge in a smooth medium bend post-WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Killarney 9BC with a sterling silver band. Finished work and now to relax!!
Yesterday evening, Louisiana Flake in an IMP meer apple;
this morning, the last of some Kendal Flake in a falcon (Dover);
this afternoon, the last of some Coniston Cut Plug in a falcon (meer)
It's 12:51 CDT and having my third bowl of ketchup/sweet, some McC's 5100 RC in my Edward's 34 Squat Rhodesian I got from Bother Matia last year. Hienz 57 and oil cured Algerian briar, a match made in heaven !! :twisted: :twisted: